Change starts in the morning
I want to change my life, but I don’t know where to start.
I hear this question a lot. Many people don’t feel happy about their lives, but they have no clue where to start the change. My answer usually is pretty simple. What do you like do? What activities make you really happy? Do that. And do that every morning. Because change starts in the morning.
Make a list of all the things that make you happy
What activity makes you happy and fills you with good energy? This can be a hobby, sports, time for reflection. Whatever raises your energy and makes you feel better, is something that you can write on this list. Research confirms that morning rituals boost daily happiness, lower your stress levels and support healthy habits. Try to write at least 10 activities on your Happy List, this helps you get a bit creative. Then pick something of this list and do it every morning.
Change starts in the morning
Some people like to start your day well with meditation, or with journaling or watching the sunrise, or being in nature or having an early morning walk. Whatever it is that makes you happy and creates a positive start of the day.
Inspiration list:
- Dancing
- Walking in nature (or just around the block)
- Meditation
- Writing in your diary
- Moving your body
- Yoga
- Drawing something beautiful
- Painting your perfect day
- Listening to uplifting music
- Making a gratitude list
- Writing down your intention for the day
- Watching the sunrise

First thing in the morning (no it doesn’t have to be early)
We’re not all born as early birds. We all have our different rhythms, preferences, and hormonal balance. Be true to that. Most important thing about starting your day well… Is to start your day well. 😊 Whatever time that is for you. It can be at 5 am, or at 10 am in the morning. Make sure that first half hour is yours and yours alone. No distractions. No excuses. Just pick a thing on your list. You will thank yourself for it.
The best morning starts in the evening
The best way to ensure that you will do this in the morning and not be caught up with other things, is to decide the night before what you’re going to do in the morning. And when you feel good about your decision, it will make it easier to start your day well. The good energy will last throughout the day and will make it easier to stay positive and proactive.
I started my Monday morning with a sunrise over sea. It was precious and made my heart sing. On Sunday evening I decided to do this. The sunrise is the nicest here on the beach so I already looked up the bus times to go there. And when my alarm went off on Monday morning at 6 am, I did not want to snooze or go back to sleep. I was excited to go out and meet the sun.
And what about you?
What does you top 10 look like? How do you like to start your days? Share it in the comments. I would love to hear from you.
“Write in on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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About the author of this blog post
Hi my name is Mirjam Overbeek, a Dutch Authenticity Coach living on Tenerife.
I love helping women to reconnect with themselves and their dreams, stop living up to expectations of others and have the courage to pave their own unique path. I believe it makes the world a better place when we follow our heart. I offer 1-on-1 coaching via Skype & Zoom and retreats on Tenerife.
Want to see what I can do for you? Schedule a free Clarity Call with me. It will give you instant clarity in the area of your life where you feel stuck right now.