Be who you are
Be Yourself
It sounds so simple “just be who you are”. But it may not be just that simple. From an early age we learn to fit into a system. And if you are a good student, like I was, it might take some time and effort to unlearn what you have been taught. To free yourself from things and beliefs that don’t reflect your personal values, your personality, that don’t contribute to your happiness. What is it like to be you?
1) Know yourself
γνῶθι σεαυτόν
“know yourself”
Self-knowledge is the basis of a good life. It is the working field of philosophers, therapists and psychologists and I believe it is the very foundation of creating a happy life.
- What are my qualities, what am I naturally good at?
- What are my skills, what have I learned in life so far?
- What do I like to do, what things and activities make me happy?
- Why do I do what I do? What is my bigger vision or mission in life?
- What are my key values, my principles? How can I be more true to these values?
- How can I serve others by doing what I am good at and like to do?
“Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are”
~ Brene Brown
2) Make time for you
But I consider the most important part to consciously create time for you to (re)connect with yourself and listen to your own inner voice. Good activities can be writing in a diary, walking in nature, having a regular meditation practice, traveling alone or dedicating yourself to a creative project.
It is by being alone that you can meet yourself and make friends with the person you see in the mirror every day.

3) Don’t compare yourself to others
In general, we tend to compare our own inside to someone else’s outside. It is not fair to you and certainly not fair to them. When you discover that you find the opinions of others (feedback, praise, criticism) more important than your own validation it might be a good moment to have look at your own self-worth. A healthy sense of self-worth will give you the freedom to do what truly matters to you.
You are the director of your life, so it is your thoughts that count, your feelings, your aspirations. Focus on them, focus on yourself. And you will see, the happier you are about your own choices, the more authentically you lead your life, the less you will be preoccupied with other peoples opinions.
“What others think of me
is none of my business.”
4) Live your truth
A couple of years ago I browsed the internet in search of a definition of authenticity. I came across this description of Lance Secretan, a child actor who now gives leaderships trainings in the corporate world:
Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet – thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing – consistently.
To align yourself in all aspects is very powerful. Speak and act in alignment with who you truly are, what you feel and what you find important. It is something you can practise every day and it will lead to change.
We are all pieces of the puzzle. Make yours beautiful.
Final words and exercises
Authenticity is something you can practise every day. The more true you are to yourself, the more true the world will be to you.
Start exploring who you are and make a list of all the things you are good at, everything you like to do and all that you truly find important in life. Take time to reconnect with yourself and reflect. Start being more true to yourself in all that you do and say. And of course – last but not least – never compare yourself to others. You don’t know what their journey is about.
The most qualified person to live your life is you.

About the author of this blog post
Hi my name is Mirjam Overbeek, a Dutch Authenticity Coach living on Tenerife.
I love helping women to reconnect with themselves and their dreams, stop living up to expectations of others and have the courage to pave their own unique path. I believe it makes the world a better place when we follow our heart. I offer 1-on-1 coaching via Skype & Zoom and retreats on Tenerife.
Want to see what I can do for you? Schedule a free Clarity Call with me. It will give you instant clarity in the area of your life where you feel stuck right now.