by Mirjam Overbeek | Oct 11, 2018
Take the next step A true story about taking steps (and fun exercise!) Keep moving. Life is all about taking the next step, and then the next and the next. Even if you have no clue what your destiny is, what you should do with your life, you can always take a next...
by Mirjam Overbeek | Sep 16, 2018
Be who you are Be Yourself It sounds so simple “just be who you are”. But it may not be just that simple. From an early age we learn to fit into a system. And if you are a good student, like I was, it might take some time and effort to unlearn what you have been...
by Mirjam Overbeek | Jul 25, 2018
Be the change Want to change your life? Is there an area in your life that you want to change? Your love life? Your job? Your sense of well being? Most of us search outside ourselves for answers. Only when we know what we want, we can change our situation. Or maybe...
by Mirjam Overbeek | Jun 29, 2018
Make happy choices Make happy choices Live the life of your dreams. Those are big words. And it may seem a far away dream from the life you are living right now. Unrealistic perhaps. The goods news is that you can start today. Just make happy choices. And start with a...
by Mirjam Overbeek | Jun 20, 2018
My Story My Story I was born a very happy baby in a loving family with two elder brothers. Laughing, singing and exploring were my favourite activities. From the moment I went to school I started to adjust myself to outer expectations. More and more I became focused...